Control Point Control?

 From:  OSTexo
Hello Michael,

I agree 1000% on the VSR interface, it's not very usable. I happen to think an in-view method would be vastly superior anyway since you could snap to other geometry.

You could get away with one more drop down in the Blend interface if you were able to specify continuity per side. Bulge could be specified in interface as well as Ratio, which is likely poor terminology from VSR since it means nothing to the average user. Ctrl and Shift functionality to change Bulge and Ratio (name changed) options per side with appropriate feedback to let the user know their state, but no need for additional interface elements in dialog. Icing on the cake would be being able to drag and snap the blend along the input curves and to create a curve off of an input surface at an angle, maybe snapping that in view to geometry. So one drop down and one dialog slider to get all that functionality sounds close with the only other consideration being a visual state helper.