Displaying / Matching ends of curves

 From:  TOM (SIRTOM)
8468.9 In reply to 8468.7 
>>please try the attached script<<
The amount of support provided her is almost scary ;-)
THANK YOU, I am delighted !

There is a related topic here which I very often stumble upon :

I draw 2 curves and they should have one point in common where both of them
touch each other in identical coordinates>> see attachment

To get this done I move nearby points (symbolized by the green arrows in the attachment)
until I guess (zooming in and rotating around) that the 2 (or more) curves do now touch each other in exactly one point.

Is there a better technique than the one described to achieve that ? And :

Is there a better way to control the "perfect match" than zooming in - maybe as
done in your last "little script" ?

EDITED: 13 Jun 2017 by SIRTOM

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