Displaying / Matching ends of curves

 From:  TOM (SIRTOM)
8468.19 In reply to 8468.18 
>>Do you mean that the curves currently don't touch in the z direction and that's where you're adjusting them?
Can you please post the 3DM model file for your example?<<

I attached an example. The points show where the curves should intersect in a way that they share
a common point (within the tolerance you have talked about in your former post)>>Right now it's difficult to adjust some point on the curve that's not an end or corner point like that<<

Thats what I mean. When working with curves located in a 2D plane it is easy but when the
curves are "freeform 3D", it is a challenge to arrange them in a way that they touch each
other in exactly one point. (I use to zoom in and move them around with the Nudge script at very low
values till I visually guess there is no gap left between them.>> Is there a better way to control the "perfect match" than zooming in - maybe as
done in your last "little script" ?
Sorry I don't understand this part <<

It is not easy to know if the curves do touch each other as close as possible or if there is a remaining gap between them.

So I thought if it maybe possible to run over a script similar to "MarkCurveMatchingEnds"
which will "DisplayCurveCommonPoints" to ensure that the respective curves do indeed
touch each other in one point.

But it may not be possible as there are no "real points"

Sorry its a bit difficult to explain ,,,