Displaying / Matching ends of curves

 From:  TOM (SIRTOM)

I deal a lot with objects with many joining curves where the joining ends must perfectly
match in one overlapping point for a perfect result.

While building up the object thus using with the snap function I realize that more than often
the endpoints of the curves do match perfectly end in one common point but are slightly apart.
(attached image)

So before creating surfaces I have to zoom in at each point to find out if the ends merge
perfectly in one point or not. With many objects built up of similar network of
curves this zoom in procedure at each endpoint gets time consuming.

So I am searching for a function within MOI which -after selcting the respective curves - displays
all the matching ends. It would be easy to identify all the not matching ends and a great time
save not to have to zoom in at each of the joining ends each time.
(image attached)

So is there a function / script hidden somewhere ?

EDITED: 13 Jun 2017 by SIRTOM
