Script to calculate mechanical properties within Moi3d

 From:  Carlos_Lema
Hi MoI3d team,

I've been using MoI3d for about two weeks. I've been going through the forum to learn a few modeling and scripting tricks. I am still learning the ins and outs of making my own plugins. Absolutely love it, specially after coming from Lightwave.

But, I need little help. I am casting a challenge to the amazing folks developing scripts for Moi3d. Michael, Max and Frenchy come to mind.

After distroying a part that I printed in 3d, it occurred to me if there is a way to show mechanical properties within Moi3d.

I am thinking something along the lines of a material's coefficients database (.json) that can be used to annualize a mechanical part(s), maybe within node, it will show a color gradient based on the external effector: heat, torque, tension, pressure, spring etc. Can it be done using .js within Moi3d?

Any leads are much appreciated.

\\ carlos
ps. screen shot of MoI's UI, which I'll be happy to share my icons.