creating a short cut key - Boolean

 From:  Michael Gibson
8438.6 In reply to 8438.5 
Hi peter, I"m glad that you're getting up to speed and that MoI is being helpful for you!

For the "on surface" snap, if you right-click on the snap for "on surface", that's a built in shortcut which will turn on just that one snap and turn off all the others. Then later on when want to turn them all on right-click on it again.

It is also possible to set up a keyboard shortcut to do it too, for that copy/paste the following script code in as the command part of the shortcut key:

script: /* Switch between only onsrf osnap on or all on */ var snaps = ['objectSnapOrigin', 'objectSnapAxis', 'objectSnapEnd', 'objectSnapMid', 'objectSnapCen', 'objectSnapInt', 'objectSnapQuad', 'objectSnapPt', 'objectSnapOn', 'objectSnapOnSrf', 'objectSnapPerp', 'objectSnapTan', 'objectSnapPerpPerp', 'objectSnapTanTan']; var da = moi.drawingAids; var allon = true; for ( var i = 0; i < snaps.length; ++i ) { if ( !da[snaps[i]] ) allon = false; } for ( var i = 0; i < snaps.length; ++i ) { da[snaps[i]] = !allon; } if ( allon ) da.objectSnapOnSrf = true;

- Michael