Fillet Order Help

 From:  Swegmang (ACMS)

I have a small question about fillets. I am trying to bevel something and don't want to be restricted by the order i do my bevels. For example, if i bevel this edge here with the red line, i cant bevel the on perpendicular to it. I know in moi I must bevel in order a lot, but i was wondering if there were ways around this, i know i could bevel the perp edge first, but lets say I didn't want to, and wanted flexibility around what edges I fillet and when. Is there a way i can "fix" the surface to allow me to bevel over it, kinda in the second image, i circled an edge I think i could bevel, but want to have that same look to the other edge. I am still new so sorry if this makes no sense.
