turning off preselection highlighting

 From:  pior (PIOR_O)
Hi there Michael ! Thanks again for yet another follow-up.

I see I see ! Well, it could very well be argued that if the point of the flashing outline is just to allow for the hunting of occluded objects ... then a more "goal oriented" way to solve this specific scenario would be to let the user switch to a transparent or wireframe display, as such objects would become instantly identifiable without even any need for marquee gestures.

... but of course I am just pushing the counter-point just for the sake of the argument here. I definitely understand that if this feature is here it is for good reasons (and no worries, no need to detail each and every uses, I obvisouly take your word for it.)

My point is more along the lines of : given the fact that there *are* workflows that do not rely on it at all, and also considering that this visual feedback can very distracting for some users (definitely not all of course, but some), then it would make sense to have an *.ini option to disable this feature if so desired by the user.

Here's a video edit taking it out. Of course the video would be more complete by also comping out the pre-selectoin highlighting as per the original topic of this thread, but that would get pretty involved in terms of masking :D


The point I am trying to make here is that visually speaking the UX experience becomes much smoother and relaxing once this very high contrast element is taken out. (On a side note I'd be willing to bet that sensitivity to this sort of stuff is likely related to things like motion sickness, as the dizzyness I get from this flashing is really quite similar to that. It also somewhat reminds of the feeling of discomfort I get when some games do funky stuff with their camera motion.