turning off preselection highlighting

 From:  pior (PIOR_O)
Hello Michael !

Regarding the cursor thing : oh of course, this was really just an example amongst many. Another example would be Topogun, in which the cursor doesn't change but a little L or R appears next to the pointer to inform the user that the upcoming selection will be either loop or ring (depending on the pointer sitting near the middle of an edge or near its extremities). But this example isn't a suggestion or request either as indeed ideally things should be as non-intrusive as possible, with the pointer being consistent at all times.

Going further, an argument could be made in favor of having three distinct selection modes : the current behavior (objects+edges+face, resorting to clicking multiple times to enter edge or face selection mode), but also : buttons and/or hotkeys for edge mode, and face mode. I do believe I would likely work much faster that way as I would know for sure that the app would only select faces or edges whenever I need it to (as opposed to having to click an object, and then having to click on any edge/face in order to finally be in edge/face mode). Put differently : if I am not mistaken, going to edge mode,to face mode, and back to edge mode currently requires 9 clicks. Whereas if there were shortcuts going directly to edge and face modes, it would be only 3 button presses + 3 clicks.

All that said, when it comes to MOI in particular I certainly see the usefulness of edge highlighting. I must say (and that's a bit of a different topic, related to how the detection of components actually happens under the hood) that even the highlighting doesn't fully prevent selection errors at this time, so there are probably still some improvements to be made there ...

Also, while we are at it : there seems to be an issue with face highlighting at this time, as sometimes it seems like small faces are not being highlighted at all when the cursor is over them (the surrounding faces get the highlight instead). But when actually clicking, the un-highlighted face gets selected.

Anyways ! As said, it would be my pleasure to test out the highligting settings if they ever make it into the V4 beta. Staying tuned, with my fingers crossed :)