turning off preselection highlighting

 From:  pior (PIOR_O)
Hello Michael !
Thanks a lot for taking the time to reply and following up on this, this is sincerely appreciated.

On the topic of user requests about preselection highlighting (or the disabling of it thereof) : in my opinion many users *think* they want/need a preselection highlighting feature, while in reality what they actually need is *some kind* of predictable behavior, conveyed in one way or another.

For instance : Maya has always been infuriating when it comes to selecting the component one hovers the cursor over, therefore users welcomed the addition of pre-selection highlighting because indeed it makes things easier to predict. And then when these users transition to Blender, they *think* they need the feature there aswell because sure enough it sounds like a useful thing to have - and this leads to countless user requests about this feature. Whereas under the hood Blender is doing an excellent job making sure that the selection behavior is always perfectly predictable, thus making preselection highlighting pointless.

I guess what I am getting at is : the ability to completely disable this behavior in MOI might actually make the program more enjoyable overall, even to users assuming that they want things to flash and flicker at all times :P If anything, the component prediction could also be conveyed by a subtle change in the mouse cursor itself, similarly to what happens when one hovers over a link when browsing internet pages. So in the case of MOI one could argue that preselection highlighting doesn't necessarily *have* to be materialized be a literal highlighting of the component.

Anyways - can't wait ! By all means hit me up if you'd like me to test drive any beta implementation of such setting, it'd be my pleasure to test it thoroughly.

Thanks !

EDITED: 25 Nov 2019 by PIOR_O