MoI is not working properly after several hours

 From:  Groot (IAMGROOT)
Simple operation like cutting a mesh with a line, works perfectly in the first two hours or so, but after six hours, it just doesn't respond anymore. Other operations that worked before, doesn't work either, is this a bug? Does MoI gets confused after several hours of non-stop work? I wish I made some screenshots, but honestly it made me pretty frustrated, so I just closed down the program. Another thing that didn't work anymore: drawing a triangle, mirroring it, selecting both, and then boolean union them into one. Early afternoon it all worked perfect, but in the last hour, it just refused to union them. I was able to select both triangles, but clicking on the union button just made MoI go out of the bolean menu.

Maybe someone can let me know if this is occuring to them after hours of non-stop work?