Licenses questions

 From:  bemfarmer
8419.3 In reply to 8419.1 
A few years ago, after hard drive crash, while restoring programs to my main computers new hard drive/ssd,
I had my laptop sitting to the side, with I think a Bluetooth home network. MoI was installed on the new drive, and open,
and while trying to update more features by comparing to MoI on the laptop, attempted to open MoI
on the laptop. MoI declined to open, with some warning of multiple usage attempt,
so this indicates that MoI was able to recognize that a second copy of the same
single license of MoI was trying to be opened on the network. This is not permitted for a single license.

I am the sole user of my single license MoI. At work, MoI is also installed, but I do not use work MoI and home MoI at the same time.
MoI on the laptop could be used, "on the road," again single useage at a time.
To switch between single use of MoI, work vs home vs laptop is easy, just open the program when arriving at the location.
There is no cumbersome internet license check, such as Geomagic Design (Alibre) (3DSystems),
subjects and forces its users to suffer. (flexnet or flexura licensing...)

- Brian