
 From:  artisanicview

Easily copying and pasting of geometry and common atributes across 3D Applications, perfect for quick iterations between them, without concerns about file management.


OD_CopyPasteExternal demo: https://youtu.be/PFFQxb3nMvw

The following applications are supported:
Modo : Vertices / Polygons (incl. Subpatch and SubD)/ WeightMaps / UVMaps / MorphMaps
Lightwave : Vertices / Polygons (incl. Subpatch and SubD)/ WeightMaps / UVMaps / MorphMaps
Blender : Vertices / Polygons (incl. Subpatch and SubD)/ WeightMaps / UVMaps / MorphMaps
Maya : Vertices / Polygons / Weights (via Vertex Normals) (Implementation by Andre Hotz)
Houdini : Vertices / Polygons / Weightmaps, UVMaps (Paste Implementation by Chris Wells)
Others : Looking for contributors to write implementations for other 3d Apps (see TODO)

Houdini: figure out how to get Morphs/Blendshapes integrated
Maya: figure out how to get Morphs/Blendshapes integrated
Cinema4d: Implementation
3DsMax: Implementation
XSI: Implementation
Sketchup: Implementation
Unreal: R&D to see if its possible to implement
Unity: R&D to see if its possible to implement