Obj export materials have 100% specularity

 From:  Michael Gibson
8391.4 In reply to 8391.3 
Hi Morat, what other programs are you seeing that in other than Blender? I tested a few here and didn't see any result like that.

Can you show me a screenshot of the specific control in Blender that you're adjusting to fix it? Like is it a color value or a single percentage value? That may help me figure out what it's doing.

But I suspect it's some kind of bug in the Blender importer, like maybe they're interpreting the .obj specular color channel value as having specular actually turned on, or something like that.

If you want to test some things, try opening the .mtl file exported out from MoI in a text editor, it will have entries that look like this:

newmtl Red
Ka 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Kd 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Ks 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
Tf 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
d 1.0000
Ns 0

The 2 things relating to specular in there are the line starting with Ks, and the line starting with Ns.

Try removing one of those lines at a time and then both and see if that changes the import behavior.

But neither of these things should result in the type of thing you're getting, the Ks value in .obj format just controls the color that's used for specular, and Ns controls the exponent value for the specular focus, 0 should mean it's turned off. Maybe the importer is misinterpreting these values and thinking they mean something else. I don't think this used to happen, maybe it's from some recent change in Blender.

- Michael