All those additional icons in the ui?

 From:  Michael Gibson
8390.13 In reply to 8390.7 
Hi Dmitry, try unzipping it somewhere else like on your desktop first and then copy it over after that, it will make it a little easier to control it.

> In which, exactly, sub directory of Moi's installation folder should someone extract it?

None - you copy it over directly into MoI's main install folder. This will create 2 subdirectories in the main installation folder for "objects" and "snapshots", and it will add new stuff into the already existing UI folder. It will overwrite one file CommandBar.htm, say yes to that, that's what will make the new icons show up on the bottom bar.

If you're not seeing anything and not getting a warning about a file overwrite then maybe you've got it copied into some nested location.

- Michael