Knolling app for nesting 2d curves

 From:  bemfarmer
After much puzzlement, and web search, here is how to use SVGNest with input created from MoI3.

1. It is convenient to use the TOP view in MoI3, to create 2 dimensional objects.

2. In MoI, create one larger box, called a "bin" to hold the 2 dimension shapes which
are to be nested. The bin can be a rectangle, or a polygon such as a hexagon, or an ellipse.

3. In MoI, create the desired 2d objects which are to be nested. These objects can
include Text in curve form, and polygons such as squares and triangles.

4. Save the MoI bin and objects as a PDF file.

5. Import the PDF into Inkscape, and save as SVG.

6. Open Google Chrome web browser, and enter
Hit the Upload SVG button on the screen, inside Chrome,
to load the SVG file that was saved from Inkscape in step 5.
Select the bin box created in step 2, then hit the Start Nest button.

7. After a few nesting iterations, hit the Stop Nest button.
Then hit the Download SVG button. The nested SVG name appears at the bottom left of the screen.
Select this nested SVG file name, and save the file.
The saved nested file can be loaded back to Inkscape, and saved as PDF.

8. The saved nested PDF can be opened in MoI. The scale was magnified by 2.144...

- Brian