Knolling app for nesting 2d curves

 From:  yakas
I came across this knolling app... or
...which lets you neatly space and align images, similar to *manually spacing and aligning(nesting) 2d curves in MOI to be used as laser cut paths. Could a script give MOI this functionality? Which acts on grouped objects(by name, layer or color)

Nesting tool wish list:
-mouseover highlight
-click to rotate 90
-alignment guides & dots:
-mirror(mouseover to highlight then press shift, click to confirm)
-fine rotate(spacebar + click to rotate 45, spacebar + click/hold to spin)
-align parallel(click/hold on line to move highlighted object over reference object, snaps on point and rotates to match angles)
-delete shared lines(could be option in align parallel)

*can be tedious