distribute Moi3d on Microsoft Store

 From:  duble0
Hi! I'm Francesco Venuti, yesterday I started a team of Windows lovers and developers without any scope of make money. We aimed about the passion to improve our OS

In the last year Windows 10 is improved a lot, for example today incorporate also a Linux Subsystem (WSL) and is oriented to an improved security.
Now Microsoft restart also the challenge of mobile, seems that they would change the concept of mobile computing (we saw a lot of movement in this period)...so not simply a smartphone, but real desktop experience that could run on ARM devices like tablets and smartphones (connected to a monitor); futhermore there is also holographic Platform, that could be interesting for mixed reality design (sketchup made a special version of his viewer: https://www.microsoft.com/it-it/store/p/sketchup-viewer/9nblggh4338q)

We saw the preview of "Windows Colud edition", this could be the next Windows edition for mobile. Unfortunately for run win32 software on this edition, the software must be converted in UniversalWindowsPlatform app and installed by the Microsoft Store( but after conversion, software could run also on regular Windows 10 editions!...), if this could be a problem, you must consider the opportunities like: a larger user base that can see your product and give you feedback, furthermore distributing your software on Microsoft Store allowing direct update of your software to all users (or selected groups, as also send a trial version not crackable...), running win32 code as UWP, meaning that it run into a kind of sandbox that don't compromise the OS if there are problems.

We tried the online tool made by Microsoft for convert win32 software to UWP app ( bridge10.azurewebsites.net/ ), because I just tested the demo of your software for evalutation and I tried to convert your installer to UWP only for curiosity.
So, I saw an opportunity for you and I'm glad to submit "my" MoI 3d UWP with the hope that you could evalutate the Microsoft Store as distribution channel.

If you don't want wait to understand how use online bridge, check the link to "my" MoI 3d UWP app (download the zip from this link, is secure!):

for install first of all, in Windows 10 PC go to setings -> for developers ->activate developer mode.
so, go to C:...\MoI3D UWP\MOI3d duble click on auto-generated.pfx to install certificates -> choose local computer -> open path in C:...\MoI3D UWP\MOI3d and choose auto-generated.cer -> click enter, in the next windows choose automatic folder -> push enter and is done.
After this steps you can install MoI 3d UWP go to :\Users\ASUS\YandexDisk\OPENSOURCE UWP\MoI3D UWP\MOI3d duble click on MOI3d.appx -> install...and is done!
This is the base to start development of a more advanced UWP app...for example you could integrate api for Surface Dial or for Holographic Platform.

Scuse me for poor English...