Nodeeditor Colors

 From:  bemfarmer
Nodeeditor Colors

The colors used in Max's Nodeeditor program, (v.93), were investigated using Microsoft Visual Studio 2015, free community edition.
In Visual Studio, line numbers were turned on under Tools/ Options/ Text Editor/ All Languages.

The file editor.js uses two colors.
Line 27 has bgvctx.fillStyle, rgb(62,62,62), which in combination with other color setting(s) located elsewere, is dark. [name: background v context?].
I have preferred rgb(250,250,250), at least for an ititial test of lighter colors.
This may change depending upon other color selections(?)

Line 31 has bgvtx.strokeStyle, rgb(50,50,50), which are the many gridlines.
(I have tested with rgb(200,200,200).

The file editor.css uses about 30 color settings.

The file style.css uses about 31 color settings.

The file editor-hd.css uses about 36 color settings.

My test colors were so garish, I will not post them. Many color changes seemed to have no visual effect.
Some colors seem add or subtract?
Mouse Hover has different colors.

- Brian

What would be a good program to edit the colors, such as GUI?
Right now I change a color, reload MoI, and select NodeEditMod icon, to see if a color changed.

EDITED: 12 Mar 2017 by BEMFARMER