Looking for suggestions on how to model part

 From:  bemfarmer
8336.4 In reply to 8336.1 
Hi twofoot,

To trace an image, a high resolution png file can be used, with MoI display resolution adjusted upwards to MaxTextureSize=8192,
if your video card will support it, as described in an old post. http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=6417.8
Or the blurry png curves can be used.

Several points can be located on one of the curves, somewhere in the middle of the blur, say 6 points.
A combination of Blend and the Clothoid2ptSliders script can be used to fit curves between points.
A clothoid curve can be fitted between two points. Due to the lack of end tangent information for the clothoid script,
it is better to connect separate clothoids with Blend, to maintain smoothness, or tangency.
Maybe MoI4 will have tangent information of a curve accessible to scripts?

Blend can be used by itself, by placing temporary tangent lines at two points, then Blending them, with Bulge adjustment.
After exiting Blend, due to History, the curve remembers that it is based upon the two tangent lines.
So by rotating a tangent line, the curve also adjusts its fit.
The new curve can be extended by using a third temporary tangent line at a third point, with another Blend to the existing curve.

Rebuild should be used, to get rid of a lot of the clothoid points.

- Brian