Moi Custom UI Install

 From:  Michael Gibson
8330.2 In reply to 8330.1 
Hi vespanut, the error you show there will occur if you try to edit HTML code using .

What happens is when you put in HTML attributes like value="something" , unfortunately TextEdit replaces the simple double quote characters with different "Open quote" and "Close quote" characters (they kind of swish in different directions for the open vs closed ones) and then that is not valid HTML anymore.

You'll need to instead use a text editor that does not do any kind of "word processing" like character replacement in order to make properly formed HTML code. A couple of choices for that are the Atom text editor (which is free) or Sublime text which is paid but pretty popular.

Or also I just tried looking if there was some way to disable that quote changing in TextEdit and it looks like that may be possible under Edit > Substitutions and uncheck Smart Quotes, but I haven't had a chance to test that myself.

- Michael