Better organized forum needed?

 From:  Michael Gibson
833.40 In reply to 833.39 
Hi vodkamartini, yeah what you are describing with a category dropdown is pretty much the same kind of thing that I was referring to as tags.

> My argument against tags was simply that I couldn't
> see enough overlap in content to warrant needing the
> tag system.

I was thinking along the lines of someone posts a WIP of a robot model, that could have 2 tags: "WIP", and "Robots".

Maybe stuff like "Architecture", "Jewelry", "Vehicles", as tags would work. So for example you could target architecture and get everything related to that including WIPs, bug reports, feature requests, whatever.

But another way that is kind of similar in some aspects is to just have a convention that some kinds of threads should start with a keyword, like WIP threads start with WIP: in the title text, then make it possible for the search to search by titles only.

Maybe having tags / categories would be a bit better to integrate with search instead of elevating it to a prominent dropdown like you were describing though. It's more of a searching kind of a thing rather than a daily reading activity kind of thing.

Probably just getting a title only search working would get a lot done in this area though, searching just titles for WIP for example would probably do a lot.

- Michael