Better organized forum needed?

 From:  Michael Gibson
833.19 In reply to 833.17 
Hi Zafar, do you perhaps mean that you'd like to have the forum segmented into a bunch of different categories?

The part that I don't like about that is that frequently people will post stuff in the wrong category and that then brings a bunch of "administration overhead" to the whole discussion, with posts about "you didn't post in the right place", etc...

If there's just one category then that issue is completely eliminated.

It's actually possible to have multiple folders with the forum that I use now, but I have intentionally avoided doing that kind of fragmentation.

Also I'm not really sure what kind of categories that I would create that would not end up with the vast majority just in one general area.

That's something that I see quite frequently with other forums that are split up into a whole bunch of sub categories - often times all the action just happens in one "misc" or "general discussion" category and the sub-categories just languish with nothing much happening in them. Occasionally moderators try to force people to post to the proper sub group and then that creates that kind of additional "meta discussion" (as is happening now, a discussion about how to have a discussion) that is nice to not have at all.

Although possibly in the future I may attempt to have a separate "WIP" category, that's something I've considered.

- Michael