Inverse Symmetry with history ?

 From:  TOM (SIRTOM)
8299.4 In reply to 8299.3 
Hey thank you Bem and David for your replies ! What I did until
now to achieve the inverse symmetry was the way Bem suggested.
Problem : I have to keep the first mirrored object and even when I hide it
it will pop up each time I change the original. So to rotate the object
and activate history will solve my problem. Back to modelling - never
had a tool which translates inspiration so fast and effortlessly into shape as MOI.
And more than once during work it slips put form me : Damn, this mind behind
MOI is a true dedicated master of his genre ! Such a pleasure to discover so many
little intelligent features which help the creative flow manifest almost immediately
onscren. Ther couldmot be a better name than "Moments of Inspiration" - for the
time spent with this tool ;-)