Xtreme Network Curve & Flow on Surface

Warning: Possible humor, lingo may not be spot-on:

It can be done, however, there are other issues i.e. fitting a bevel into the opening. This is how it's done:

1. Line up centered and symmetrical *helps three closed curves
2. Not *too far apart - it can be stretched or scaled later
3. Make a *fishhook from the edge of the top opening frame all the way around - about 100 ribs - open curves
4. The *fish hook if you want a rounded edge, with a 'long' stem
5. Attach the stem to a *point, which is centered on the back, or bottom level
6. Best to drag points from the tail of the fish hook to the center point
7. Make sure everything is spot-on - connected
8. Loft *from a quad on the top closed curve - using 100 or so *depends square polygon(? lingo - those little square surfaces!) sufaces & 'Uniform'
9. Wire-cut the loft (choose 'closed')
10. Remove the SURFACE
11. Fine tune the 'mesh' points, clean and align if necessary - adjustments
12. Network, top & back rail - then all the 'ribs' (open fish hook curves)

Then you have it! I'll post something later to show
Humberto Quackenbush