
 From:  bemfarmer
The three applets on the Smith site can be run and viewed, on Windows 7, by loading the current Java program, and modifying it by adding to the Exception Site List.
After installing Java, Under Configure Java/Security/Edit Site List, add to the exception site list.
Java apparently has some security risks...

The cylindrical phillotaxis applet uses mouse picks, or a "2D Mouse slider," for the parameter space. Some voronoi patterns resemble a pineapple pattern.

Can MoI do a 2D slider, e.g. with Mouse or Mouseover?

The spiral applet uses a hyperbolic parameter disk with mouse picks, or "hyperbolic mouse slider."
There are an "infinite" number of possible phillotaxis results depending upon Growth rate and Divergence angle.
Using nearest neighbor, and next nearest neighbor, the parastichy curves are created, which show the 4 curve-sided quadrilaterals.
The display seems to be a bit cramped.

It should be possible to do some MoI script(s).

- Brian

Also located some Croatian script...The code is in English, comments translated with Google Translate. Needs more study...

EDITED: 17 Jan 2017 by BEMFARMER