ICONS for Custom Commands

 From:  Michael Gibson
8238.6 In reply to 8238.5 
Hi Ced,

> 1. BEND Command w/control or slider

You can do a bend operation currently by using Flow, draw a line to use as the base curve and an arc to use as the target curve for the Flow.

> 2. SWEEP: Need a % slider w/POINTY END commands

Sorry I don't understand how a % slider would work for a pointy end, can you describe it with some more detail?

> 3. Wish Moi3d offered a t-Splines package - now that they're no longer building for
> Rhino - I'm done w/Rhino. Not having t-Splines is a deal breaker. Everything I do

You might be better off with a polygon modeling like Modo or Silo for doing organic shapes - MoI is a CAD program and the CAD toolset in general is more suited for precision mechanical shapes rather than organic shapes. Polygon modeling on the other hand is the reverse.

You might try Max's sub-d smoothing plugin for MoI though, you can get that here: http://moi3d.com/forum/messages.php?webtag=MOI&msg=6674.422 .

- Michael