ICONS for Custom Commands

 From:  Michael Gibson
8238.2 In reply to 8238.1 
Hi Ced,

> Is it possible to make a CUSTOM ICON and place it in a mainPanel somewhere-somehow so
> you can use it as a regular command button on display?

Yes, if you look through the file SidePane.htm you'll see the command buttons are defined like this:

<moi:CommandButton icon="icons/ConeIcon.png" command="cone"><moi:Text textid="Cone"/></moi:CommandButton>

You can insert your own one of these if you want to make a new button somewhere. A good place to put a few new buttons is in the CommandBar.htm which is the toolbar at the bottom of the window. You can omit the <moi:Text> piece of the command button which is for looking up a localized name from the current language Strings.txt file and just make something like this:

<moi:CommandButton icon="icons/CustomIcon.png" command="CommandName">Button text label here</moi:CommandButton>

> There are a lot (really) of interesting commands that can be added - was also trying to
> figure out which are not in the Moi3d v3 inventory... is there an exclusive v3 list specific
> which one can reference to add to v3?

The commands that are built into v3 are listed in the MoI help file under the Shortcut Keys topic, look for the part labeled "Command names:" http://moi3d.com/3.0/docs/moi_command_reference11.htm#shortcutkeys

- Michael