Current SAT version

 From:  Michael Gibson
8231.2 In reply to 8231.1 
Hi Burr, it looks like the first number in the first line is the SAT version number used, so that means it's SAT version 5.00 . But reading is backwards compatible, so if an app says it uses SAT version 23 it should be fine to read in a version 5 file as well. Mostly new versions have various new entity types.

Those other version numbers are the HarmonyWare library version number for the library code itself, not the format version number.

I think the STEP version is called AP 203, or "STEP Part 203: Application Protocol for Configuration Controlled Design."

For IGES I think it's something like version 5.2 , I'm not sure if that's marked anywhere in the IGES file itself.

- Michael