FBX multiple objects export to separate files.

 From:  Michael Gibson
8226.14 In reply to 8226.13 
Hi Anton,

> Could it work for .ai format?

It would work for .ai format too if you just change the file extension to be .ai instead of .fbx .

But one additional thing is that there is a dialog box that pops up when you export to .ai format for setting different options. It is possible to not show the dialog box for a script driven save by passing in an additional parameter to geometryDatabase.saveAs() or geometryDatabase.fileExport() . That would be a string parameter with NoUI=true in it, like this:

moi.geometryDatabase.saveAs( filename, 'NoUI=true' );

You can also set other options through script by having multiple settings in the string separated by semi-colons. The full list of parameters that can be set in this way is:

// PDF/AI export function parameter options:
// NoUI=true
// ProjectionView=top | 3d | front | right
// ScaleType=fit | preserveunits
// MoiScale=1.0
// PageScale=1.0
// PageUnits=mm | cm | in | pt
// CenterOnPage=true
// PageSize=letter | legal | tabloid | a3 | a4 | a5 | custom
// Landscape=false
// PageSizeCustomWidth=8.5
// PageSizeCustomHeight=11.0
// PageSizeCustomUnits=mm | cm | in | pt
// GenerateOutlines=true
// GenerateSilhouettes=true
// GenerateHiddenLines=false
// ShadedBackground=true
// IgnoreTangentEdges=false
// Resolution=25.0
// Line style properties for visible lines:
// VisWidth=0.1
// VisColorMode=fromstyle | custom
// VisColor=0,0,0 (r,g,b color value for lines when color mode = custom)
// VisLayerMode=fromstyle | custom
// VisLayerName=Visible lines (layer name to use when layer mode = custom)
// VisLayerPrefixSuffix=prefix | suffix (which of prefix or suffix are shown in the UI when layer mode = fromstyle)
// VisLayerPrefix= (prefix to prepend to the layer name when layer mode = fromstyle)
// VisLayerSuffix= (suffix to append to layer name when layer mode = fromstyle)
// Line style properties for outlines:
// OutWidth=3.0
// OutColorMode=fromstyle | custom
// OutColor=0,0,0 (r,g,b color value for lines when color mode = custom)
// OutLayerMode=fromstyle | custom
// OutLayerName=Outlines (layer name to use when layer mode = custom)
// OutLayerPrefixSuffix=prefix | suffix (which of prefix or suffix are shown in the UI when layer mode = fromstyle)
// OutLayerPrefix= (prefix to prepend to the layer name when layer mode = fromstyle)
// OutLayerSuffix= (suffix to append to layer name when layer mode = fromstyle)
// Line style properties for silhouettes:
// SilWidth=0.4
// SilColorMode=fromstyle | custom
// SilColor=0,0,0 (r,g,b color value for lines when color mode = custom)
// SilLayerMode=fromstyle | custom
// SilLayerName=Silhouettes (layer name to use when layer mode = custom)
// SilLayerPrefixSuffix=prefix | suffix (which of prefix or suffix are shown in the UI when layer mode = fromstyle)
// SilLayerPrefix= (prefix to prepend to the layer name when layer mode = fromstyle)
// SilLayerSuffix= (suffix to append to layer name when layer mode = fromstyle)
// Line style properties for hidden lines:
// HidWidth=0.1
// HidColorMode=fromstyle | custom
// HidColor=0,0,0 (r,g,b color value for lines when color mode = custom)
// HidLayerMode=fromstyle | custom
// HidLayerName=Hidden lines (layer name to use when layer mode = custom)
// HidLayerPrefixSuffix=prefix | suffix (which of prefix or suffix are shown in the UI when layer mode = fromstyle)
// HidLayerPrefix= (prefix to prepend to the layer name when layer mode = fromstyle)
// HidLayerSuffix= (suffix to append to layer name when layer mode = fromstyle)
// Line style properties for annotations:
// AnnWidth=0.1
// AnnColorMode=fromstyle | custom
// AnnColor=0,0,0 (r,g,b color value for lines when color mode = custom)
// AnnLayerMode=fromstyle | custom
// AnnLayerName=Annotations (layer name to use when layer mode = custom)
// AnnLayerPrefixSuffix=prefix | suffix (which of prefix or suffix are shown in the UI when layer mode = fromstyle)
// AnnLayerPrefix= (prefix to prepend to the layer name when layer mode = fromstyle)
// AnnLayerSuffix= (suffix to append to layer name when layer mode = fromstyle)
// HiddenLinesOpacity=0.75 (opacity only applies to PDF export, not AI export)
// HiddenLinesDashed=true
// HiddenLinesDashSize=0.75
// HiddenLinesGapSize=1.0
// UseAICB=true (for AI copy to clipboard on OSX, for going into Adobe Illustrator CS3 or older).