How can I run MoI faster?

 From:  Michael Gibson
8207.4 In reply to 8207.1 
Hi woods, yeah I'd definitely second what Burr writes - in MoI with an empty scene before you load the complex one, go to Options > View > Meshing parameters and set "Mesh angle" to a rougher angle like 25 degrees and uncheck "Add detail to inflections". That will make for a somewhat rougher looking shaded display but will greatly reduce the density of the display mesh and that can help a lot.

The specs that you mention on your laptop all look great, but you left out one important piece which is the video card, does your laptop use an Intel card that's integrated with the CPU or does it have a dedicated nVidia or AMD graphics card? A dedicated card could possibly help, but I'd recommend just adjusting the display mesh density settings to start with and see if that has a big impact or not.

There are a few other areas that I'd like to tune in the future to balance quality versus speed as well.

- Michael