nodeeditor, nodebundles.. my head hurts

 From:  James (JFH)
8192.8 In reply to 8192.1 
Hi wastzzz,

You must remember that project Elephant is very much in it's infancy,
and frankly it is a bit DUMBO :) Achieving a desired result can, at times
be frustrating and unnecessarily difficult. e.g. The limitation of "clone" node
to 2 outputs necessitates lots of extraneous wiring. Indeed, I believe (though
I may be wrong) that limiting of object items to single outputs, as opposed to
num and pt items which allow multiple outputs, is an arbitrary restriction, and
the clone node could be done away with completely (i.e. deprecated)

I have attached nod file for you exercise. As an auto-didactic exercise analyses
the various steps. If you have an questions, post them and I will endeavour to
answer. In time it all becomes clearer, and your head hurts less and less.


These nod files requires "" downloadable at

EDITED: 14 May 2019 by JFH
