Request: Thumbnail with export

 From:  RHolmes (RICOHOLMES)
Still loving MOI on a daily basis year after year :) I have a wee request, only if it's a trivial matter to implement:

Could we have an option to save a snapshot with the export file when exporting?

When exporting tons of objects to a library (cad stuff to be rendered in Maya) it's a royal bummer to try and remember what everything was based on filenames, no matter how well named they are. There is the snapshot feature (Can't remember if that's built in or a script right now) but again that requires remembering what you just saved, finding the snapshot folder, finding the destination folder etc. Human error and laziness screw me over more often than I'd like to confess.

Automatically saving a snapshot thumb with the obj (fbx, whatever) and identical name would be a godsend.


Just a teensyweensy wishypoo
/RH :)