Boolean diffed object not top-aligning properly

 From:  Michael Gibson
8173.2 In reply to 8173.1 
Hi Duane, can you please post your 3DM model file or e-mail it to me at if you want to keep it private so I can take a look?

re: Top view - the Transform > Align command does align things in a 2D sense relative to the construction plane so you would need to do it in an elevation view like the Front view. But it sounds like that's what you were doing.

It could be some kind of bug in the calculation of the object's bounding box, there is a certain kind of clipped out area to many objects, which is that when you do a boolean or trim a surface, there are new trim curve boundaries created but the original "underlying surface" is still there underneath those trims. If something goes wrong with the calculation process it could be possible that stuff is leaking out to a further extent than the current trim boundaries but that would be a bug and not something that you'd normally have to worry about.

I could tell a lot more if you could send the 3DM model file.

- Michael