surface from flat curves

 From:  Michael Gibson
817.7 In reply to 817.5 
Hi phlatt5th,

> How come the free form line constructed one has lines and the other does not.

It looks like you must have gotten some corner points inserted into the free-form one, this will happen if you hold down control while clicking with that Freeform curve tool, or also if you create the curve by joining multiple segments together.

Corner points are points on the curve that will become a sharp point if you drag them. When these go into a surface, they then create the equivalent of a surface corner point as well. Once you disturb a single smooth surface so that it has sharp creases inside of it, MoI will automatically divide the surface into multiple parts along the sharp crease lines, that's what you're seeing there. Those lines are edges where the divided surface fragments are joined to each other.

To avoid this, you want to remove corner points from inside your curve - turn on control points and select them and just delete them.

> It seems that I also have some funny looking artifacts on my version on the left any thoughts? Thanks

Those look like display mesh artifacts, most likely your actual surface is fine there. Check under Options / View / Meshing parameters, and make sure that "Add detail to inflections" is checked, that will usually help improve the display of these kinds of things. When you actually go to export your surface to a polygon mesh format, the export mesher does a more careful (and slower) job than the display mesher.

- Michael