Lightweight Modelling. A case study.

 From:  Michael Gibson
8135.6 In reply to 8135.1 
Hi Marco, so I know these are case studies for your own experiments but I should mention that optimizing entirely for surface control point count can come with negative side effects, like increased modeling time and some decrease in model accuracy since the new object now deviates from a true offset surface by some unknown amount.

For most modeling cases these negatives, particularly increased modeling time, will likely outweigh the positives. In your particular case here exporting the "bad" object (I know you didn't say bad, but it's easily implied to others that one is "bad" and the other "good") to its own 3DM file result in a 74KB file, while exporting your approximated offset object results in a 42KB file. So here you're not saving MB worth of data, only KB worth of data.

So unless you're replicating this object many hundreds of times I would really recommend not worrying so much about the offset surface control point count. And in the future replicating objects will be done by instancing and that will make it even less of something to worry about.

- Michael