FAILED simple Fillet

 From:  Michael Gibson
8132.12 In reply to 8132.11 
Hi Burr,

> Does changing my unit system to feet or meters or miles change that initial
> interaction with "how far away from zero" i am?

Yes, if it means you'll be using small numeric values, like say x = 10 in meters rather than x = 10000 in mm. But the only thing that matters is the number itself, that you're using less digits in the number values.

> Is there something like a "scaled environment" where i could start a project with an initial
> declaration that i will be modelimg at "a larger scale"? (I guess that would mean i couldnt
> model detail then, because it was expecting BIG stuff, side effect......)

Well there is an automatic mechanism that adjusts calculation tolerance to be a percentage of the object size so it adapts to the current object being operated on. But that's a somewhat different issue than losing fractional precision in arithmetic because of larger numeric values being used in coordinates.

- Michael