Opinion about some good and robust Polygonal-SDS modeler under 200$

 From:  PaQ
8090.73 In reply to 8090.70 
//Hi Pilou,

//I don't mean to sound boring or insist on the same topic,
//because it's not my intention and I always respect the different opinions, but...
//how can you really say "Yes except the first two ones! ;)" ?

//Talking about standard and robust modelling tools, leaving aside various exotic tools that this or that software can or not provide,
//it is undeniable that :

//1) In Nurbs modelling, Moi or Rhino comfortably beat Blender 10 to 1!
//2) Voxels, Texture Baking, 3DPainting photoshop-centric and Autopo are much more powerful and extremely easy in 3DCoat rather than in Blender,
//3) Unbiased engine available in Thea Render are unbeatable regarding the outstanding quality.
//And Presto CPU+GPU engine is a lightning bolt!
//It is no coincidence that Altair (creators of solidThinking Inspire and Evolve) acquired Solid Iris Technologies...

//With that said, I don't want to say that Blender it's not a good product,
//but IMHO it's like a supper too full of stuff, with an uncertain flavor.

//Ciao and have a nice day.

//- Marco (mkdm)


Hi Marco,

This is so subjective, I hate voxel based sculpting (compared to zbrush), I find Nvil outdated with a cumbersome interface, and I'm much more excited with a renderer like Clarisse or Arnold than Thea.
But I really don't see the point trying to convince anyone about my taste. (Well except for Moi, I can speak hours with some co-workers about it :))

I'm a Pilou's fan, he's our 3D reporter around the world ... and in some extend he's right, feature wise Blender can do everything you mention.
Not as good as specialized applications (hopefully for them right), but an all around solution has some advantages too.

In the other thread you express your reasons why you prefer to stay in Rhino that using external plugin/application for you SDS to Nurbs conversion, despite the better quality result you could get.
I suppose it's exactly the same feeling that blender users can have ... why would they use nurbs when they have something like Hard Ops.

Just an other pov, I don't want to hurt any feelings here.