Opinion about some good and robust Polygonal-SDS modeler under 200$

 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8090.44 In reply to 8090.43 
And don't forget that Rocket is very sweet to use with a Pen Graphic or on tablett or screen touch!
No menu to open! ;)
Always other philosophy - another concept!
Maybe not for Pro (who is always speedy) but for hobbyist or amateur or oldies or very youngs! ;)

PS I am happy few of 3D Coat : If i had good memory, it's me who has made the French UI for Andrew and thousand of Tooltips! :D
(look at the Thanks inside the prog)
I have not yet the last one (4.7) so tell me if it's always the case!
Because system online of translations "Participate" seems dispeared!

EDITED: 20 Sep 2016 by PILOU