Opinion about some good and robust Polygonal-SDS modeler under 200$

 From:  mkdm
8090.37 In reply to 8090.21 
Hi Michael and everyone!

I finally choose the Poly/SDS modeler under 200$ to include into my current workflow (Rhino+Moi+3DCoat+Thea Render).

After spending much garbage time, to test Silo NVil, Rocket3F and Metasequoia
(thanks a lot Michael because i didn't know Metasequoia and i must say that it was a good surprise), I decided to buy NVIL (for about 72 Euro).

I have just discarded Rocket3F because right now (IMHO) it's only a downgraded version of NVIL.

NVIL has a tons of modeling tools and its SDS capabilities a very good.

IMHO for the moment it lacks mainly in the viewport speed rendering, but its streamlined workflow allows to work
at speed of light!
And like Moi it's very deeply customizable.

Right now, it's the unique modeler that really can be compared to Moi regarding the streamlined workflow.

Anyway, considering that Metasequoia 4 EX costs about 150USD, i will continue to test it because it has some very interesting features,
like Armature, Blobs, and the support of the Pixar's OpenSubdiv.

Thanks to all for all your good advices and have a nice day.

- Marco (mkdm)