Opinion about some good and robust Polygonal-SDS modeler under 200$

 From:  mkdm
8090.24 In reply to 8090.22 
Hi adamio,

Thanks for your reply.

Well, I must admit that I already knew Rhino SDS project, and i made some tests with Rhino V6 Wip version,
but I you have to say that McNeel said the truth :(

Here's a couple of quotes of John_Brock at McNeel's forum :

"The SubD project is in the very early stages of development. It's just barely good enough to "throw it over the wall" to see if we're on the right track. That's how we get users involved in the development process. We are nowhere near the stage when tutorials are written. It isn't likely to be in V6. It will probably live in the WIP for a couple of releases before it's considered useful."

"A full Sub-D tool is a bigger project than you think. I don't expect it to be fully functioning for V7 either, but as we add the pieces and parts, they will be in the WIP and will progress."

Anyway, thanks for your suggestion.

- Marco (mkdm)