Opinion about some good and robust Polygonal-SDS modeler under 200$

 From:  Michael Gibson
8090.21 In reply to 8090.16 
Hi Marco,

> I guess that you are very busy, so I'm sorry to bother you with my last question,
> but when you have some garbage time, please read my previous post
> http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=8090.1,
> regarding my investigations in order to buy a good Polygonal-SDS modeler under
> 200$ to couple with Moi.

I did read it, but sorry I just couldn't think of anything more to add than what you and others have already mentioned. You might give Metasequoia a try: http://www.metaseq.net/en/download.html .

A lot of the more heavily used sub-d modeling programs out there are part of a larger DCC package including stuff like rendering and animation too and are a lot more than $200, like Maya, Modo, LightWave, Cinema4D, 3DS Max.

I do not myself use a sub-d modeling program regularly so I'd rely on other's advice more than mine for this.

- Michael