Custom Moi3d viewport navigation

 From:  Michael Gibson
8072.2 In reply to 8072.1 
Hi crotobok,

> Does anyone know how to custom Moi3d viewport navigation and make it identical to the one in maya?
> Zoom= Alt+RMB
> Rotate= Alt+LMB
> Pan= Alt+MMB

By default MoI already supports these as additional ways to navigate, you shouldn't need to customize anything to do it.

Alt+RMB dragging up and down is an alternate way to zoom.

Alt+LMB dragging is an alternate way to rotate.

Alt+Shift+LMB is an alternate way to pan, and also just plain MMB in MoI will already Pan and you can hold down Alt if you want without breaking that so either plain MMB drag or Alt+MMB will also pan.

Hope that helps! - Michael