Network tool - I'm baffled

 From:  Michael Gibson
8045.5 In reply to 8045.1 
Hi Brandroid, so instead of trying to do a Network all at once, I'd probably start with sharp corners instead of putting the tight bend in right away, and starting by doing a loft like this:

Then select these edges and curves and run Construct > Planar:

Now you've got 3 surfaces built, select them and use Edit > Join to glue them together, and then select the whole object and run Construct > Fillet to round off the sharp edges.

Also another different way which actually gives the cleanest surfaces is to extrude from your centerline like this (using "Both sides" option in Extrude):

And then in this version, the "side curves" are 2D planar curves that I flattened. Instead of trying to surface those, with this method you'll instead use them as cutting curves in the Edit > Trim command, you can actually select all 4 curves, those 2 planar Top-View ones, and the rounded end caps as the cutting objects for Trim, then they will cut the simple extrusion and you can select these areas to discard:

Usually if something has a well defined 2D silhouette it's good to build an initially extended simple base piece and then cut it with the 2D silhoeutte and let the final 3D curve be formed by that intersection calculation rather than trying to draw the 3D curve in to start with like you were doing.

- Michael