Font size

 From:  Michael Gibson
8037.2 In reply to 8037.1 
Hi 3image, so do you mean you want the scene browser pane to have smaller text than the rest of the UI?

That's possible to set up, you will need to edit the BrowserPane.htm file with a text editor. You can find the file in the ui sub-folder. On Windows it's located in the installation folder, and on Mac right-click the app and choose "Show package contents" and inside there go to drive_c/moi/ui .

Then modify the contents of the <body> element to insert a new <div> around the other elements like so (the 2 inserted lines are marked with >>> don't include the >>> characters in the actual file):

	<body class="SidePaneBody">
>>>	<div style="font-size:80%">
		<moi:Binder binding=" < return (moi.ui.browserPosition == 'Inside' || !moi.ui.showBrowserPane ? 'none' : 'block');"/>

		<moi:PaletteHeader style="font-size:0">
		<moi:PaletteBody style="padding-left:0; padding-right:0;">
>>>	</div>

That will make the text just in the browser pane to be smaller.

- Michael