Reset view?

 From:  Flowgun
8025.6 In reply to 8025.4 
Hi Michael,

I want to ask if there's a way to always reset the view around all visible elements.
I use this script to isolate an object and then focus on it:

moi.geometryDatabase.isolate(); script:moi.view.resetAll();

I get a non-consistent results when I run the script again to get out of the isolation mode and focus on the whole scene because, even if other elements are now visible, the re-focusing will be around the selected object if I change the camera and I don't deselect it before pressing the script.

I want the script to be able to isolate and focus on a selected object to quickly inspect it for example, and pressing it again would get me out of the isolation mode and focuses on everything that is now visible so I can inspect another element.

Thank you,
- Flowgun