Reset view?

 From:  chippwalters
Here are a couple nifty keyboard shortcuts:

I've remapped my shift-A to
/*!RESET VIEW*/script:moi.view.resetAll();

This will reset views if nothing is selected OR ZOOM all views to the selected objects. One of the nice things about resetting to the selection is it also resets the camera "looking at" point to the center of the selection, making editing easier as all right-button rotates are not pivoting about the selection.

Another two I like a lot is:

/*!ZOOM OUT*/var z=1.2, vp=['3D','Left','Right','Top','Bottom','Front','Back']; for (var n in vp) moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.getViewport(vp[n]).zoom(z);

/*!ZOOM IN*/var z=.8, vp=['3D','Left','Right','Top','Bottom','Front','Back']; for (var n in vp) moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.getViewport(vp[n]).zoom(z);

I map these to the ',' and '.' keys (< and>) and they will zoom all views OUT or IN by a small fraction, so you can tap them a few times in a row to get where you want.

With these keys, and the mouse scrollwheel I rarely need ANY other viewport zoom controls.