Reset view?

 From:  Michael Gibson
8025.4 In reply to 8025.3 
Hi 3image, if you only need to do it occasionally the method described above is not excessively tedious.

If you need to do it more frequently for some reason, it is possible to make a script that will do it, try pasting in the following into a shortcut key:

script: /* Reset views to initial default */ var vp = moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel; var vtop = vp.getViewport('top'); var vfront = vp.getViewport('front'); var vright = vp.getViewport('right'); var v3d = vp.getViewport('3d'); var vm = moi.vectorMath; var origin = vm.createPoint(0,0,0); vtop.targetPt = vfront.targetPt = vright.targetPt = origin; vtop.fieldOfViewAngle = vfront.fieldOfViewAngle = vright.fieldOfViewAngle = 30.0; v3d.setCameraAndTarget( vm.createPoint(25,-50,25), origin ); v3d.fieldOfViewAngle = 0.48 * 180 / Math.PI;

- Michael