Tool bar - customizing

 From:  Michael Gibson
7971.6 In reply to 7971.5 
Hi Tom, you mean you want to make a wider horizontal space between some pieces?

I think there are <moi:Spacer> elements separating things there, with a couple of <moi:SmallSpacer> ones in certain spots.

To make more space you can change all the widths of all spacers by putting in a style rule in the <style> block at the top like this:


If you want to increase the space of just one, you can change just one spacer to have a particular width by setting it directly on the element which uses what's called an "inline" style like this:

<moi:Spacer style="width:5em"/>

And if there isn't a spacer at a particular spot where you want more space you just insert a <moi:Spacer> element at that spot.

- Michael