Tool bar - customizing

 From:  Michael Gibson
7971.19 In reply to 7971.18 
Hi Tom, there's an error in your CommandBarRight.htm , a style block needs to start with <style> and end with </style> (note especially the backslash for the closing one).

Instead of an opening and then a closing one, you've got 2 opening ones and so the parser will think that everything coming after belongs to a new second opened style block.

Edit your CommandBarRight.htm line #11 to have </style> with a backslash and that will fix that part, although another thing is the Help button is a slightly different type of command button and so you need to make the style rule have an extra part (for a <moi:CommandSplitButton>) to it to cover that as well, like this:

		    moi\:CommandButton moi\:Text, moi\:CommandMenuButton moi\:Text, moi\:CommandSplitButton moi\:Text

Then the vertical scroll bar that appears is a bug where the v2 UI engine is off by a few pixels when it measures the size of the command bar content (like maybe it's missing measuring some padding or something like that). It probably wouldn't happen in v3. It may go away when you tweak the heights of other things some more or it may just be something you're stuck with in v2.

- Michael